Extra Fees

In addition to the annual tuition fee, North Broward Preparatory School requires certain additional expenses that are mandatory for both enrollment and ongoing education at the school. The main additional fees include:

  1. Mandatory Fees: North Broward Preparatory School may require students to pay mandatory fees, which cover various administrative expenses and services provided by the school. The amount of mandatory fees may vary depending on the grade level and duration of enrollment, but they typically range from $1,000 to $3,000 per year.

  2. Application Fee: This fee covers the costs associated with document processing, interviews, and enrollment paperwork. The application fee at the school can range from $500 to $1,500.

  3. Placement Deposit: This deposit is typically refundable if the student continues their education at the school. The amount of the placement deposit may vary, but on average, it ranges from $1,000 to $3,000.

  4. Health Insurance: The cost of health insurance depends on the plan and coverage selected from the insurance company. On average, expenses for health insurance can range from $1,000 to $3,000 per year.

  5. Airport Transportation: The cost of airport transportation can vary depending on the distance and type of transportation used. Typically, it ranges from $100 to $500 per trip.

These additional expenses are part of the overall cost of attending North Broward Preparatory School and should be considered when planning for enrollment.

Application for admission