After graduation

Where do they go to study after graduation North Broward Preparatory School?

At the high school stage, the main preparation for universities is concentrated: at the end of 12th grade, American students take the SSAT tests, and, based on their scores, they apply to universities that are of priority to them.

Thus, children in America enter universities at the age of 18. Sometimes it is necessary to "complete" 1-2 high school cycles. This can be done either in high school or by taking special pre-university programs (e.g., Foundation).

American educational institutions are real "guides" in the world of higher education: according to statistics more than 90% of graduates of private high schools successfully enter the chosen universities and finish them with good results. Elite universities, such as members of the legendary Ivy League, are also available to graduates:

  • University of Pennsylvania.

  • Columbia University

  • Yale University

  • Princeton

  • Dartmouth

  • Cornell University

  • Harvard

  • Brown University.

Many parents from other countries enjoy sending their children to America. The United States is culturally diverse, cosmopolitan, and welcoming, and offers a warm and comfortable environment in which to live and learn.

Many large private educational institutions accept new students mainly in 9-10th grade, which again is a very convenient factor for most parents: not everyone is ready to send their child on such a long independent journey from childhood. There are also convenient preparatory pre-university programs lasting 1-2 years: as a rule, this term is quite enough (if the child already has good grades and knowledge), and the level of stress due to separation from the family and familiar surroundings is significantly reduced.

Application for admission